Frank Ribelin, a landowner outside Austin, Texas, strongly endorses conservation despite his admitted frustration with the Endangered Species Act as he feels it has negatively impacted his land. He specifically expressed displeasure towards the golden-cheeked warbler, whose endangered status has caused the land’s value to plummet. The warbler serves as an example of the act’s lack of success in conserving species, with less than 3 percent of listed species having successfully recovered and been removed from the list after 50 years. The act’s approach is criticized for lacking incentives and instead creating conflicts between private citizens and species listed as endangered, discouraging conservation efforts. The story of the snail darter, a three-inch minnow, illustrates how the act can lead to disputes that interfere with federal projects and restrict the use of private property. While the act initially aimed to protect charismatic megafauna, it now covers over 1,600 domestic species, and regulations related to taking or harming these animals further complicate the recovery process. Studies show that these punitive measures can hinder conservation efforts, discouraging landowners from supporting and preserving endangered species due to the restrictions imposed by the Act.