The Duke Center for Firearms Law and the University of Wyoming College of Law Firearms Research Center are inviting scholars and practitioners to participate in the sixth annual Firearms Law Works-in-Progress Conference. The event will take place at Duke University School of Law in Durham, North Carolina on May 23 & 24, 2024. Those interested in presenting a paper are asked to submit an abstract by February 9, 2024. The conference covers a broad range of firearms law topics, including Second Amendment history and doctrine, federal and state gun regulation, and the intersection between firearms law and other areas of law. Conference sessions involve lively discussions among authors, discussants, and participants. Accepted papers will be assigned to panels for discussion. The conference organizers welcome paper proposals from scholars and practitioners all over the world. Abstracts should be submitted by email no later than February 9, 2024, with authors being informed of acceptance no later than March 8, 2024. The Duke CFL and Wyoming FRC are able to cover some costs of lodging and travel expenses for authors who would not otherwise be able to attend the conference, particularly junior faculty or those who are new to the field. The Firearms WIP Conference is committed to developing the Second Amendment (and arms law in general) as a field of scholarly study and encourages a diversity of viewpoints.